On the Wednesday morning after Sweden football triumph we’ve decided to have a breakfast in our hotel. We had a big decision to make: where to go.
Several scenarios were put up to the vote.
- Continue north up to Ventspils, then turn south-east and make it to Riga someday;
- Go east in Riga direction for today, then enjoy a Thursday sunset in a beautiful beach town of Jurmala 20-30 km short of Riga;
- Go east straight forward to Riga with only one stop on the way;
- More options just for the sake of discussion.
So, we had 100 km to make to Saldus. The country between us and Saldus seemed to be designed mostly for drivers and wasn’t filled up with cosy small towns and lunch amusements for tired bikers.
But the majority has spoken, so we started riding with the strong feeling of “We’ll sort it out on the way somehow”.
It was a great day. The road was so much better than we’ve expected: the asphalt was freshly baked and the traffic was not heavy at all. Sun, wind and scenery — what more to ask? Well, wind could be favourable, sun not so hot, and scenery a bit less hilly.
We enjoyed the ride for 30-40 km, and then my powers left me.
I started to fall behind on every uphill. Johan and Jonas have noticed my struggle, so we’ve stopped by a bus stop in the middle of nowhere.
My battle buddies treated me with the liquorice power bar — the last we had — and shared their last drops of water. The power bar was a lifesaver! Thanks god no one was into liquorice so it survived up to the moment.
The small city of Skrunda treated us as if we were lost sons: super-friendly lady at a road house buffet, huge portions, unnoticeable price. After 70 km without a lunch it felt like Christmas. I was so relieved I forgot to take a photo. My bad.
[It should be a Skrunda Oasis photo here. Sorry, don’t have it.]
We’ve replenished our resources, went back on the road and for a while 30 km left to Saldus seemed almost too easy. But for me it wasn’t.
The last 300 meters of a ride turned out to be the steepest uphill we’ve had so far. “Why oh why? What have I done?” — was the only thing I was able to cry; while Swedes were cycling by me as if the road was flat. Those athletes!
One way or another, finally we were in Saldus.
Did you know swearing helps with the pain? It’s science! So, hot shower and 30 minutes of swearing did the job. I was better. Way better.
The reception girl didn’t speak neither Russian nor English, but somehow Jonas made her understand: we are looking for a bar.
5 minutes later we were in for our first beer in Saldus — out of many.
Whoa, that felt good.
So we made our first round a quick one, promised the barkeeper we’ll be back later and went out in search of a proper restaurant.
So, we took a Power Bikers stance and came up with a brilliant solution.
And so we did.
It went superb. We outstayed our competitors — a gang of local boys on the better wi-fi bench — and caught the last hours of sun. Boys looked cool with skateboards and beer, but Johan discovered their beer was non-alcoholic. Ha!
We talked a lot, kept an eye-contact, and barely used the public wi-fi (only to check on some facts to make our points stronger). We even discussed the nature of love. That’s what you call a proper dinner with a conversation.
If you follow this blog you probably know: we are not the type that easily abandon people that put trust in us.
Bartender at Velve Bar should have been waiting for hours for us to return. We had a promise to keep. So, staggering a bit, but with much resolve, we headed back to the bar.
Next day was supposed to be the longest ride in our journey: 110 km to Jurmala.
Or have we decided to go back to Kaliningrad in the bar? Sounds plausible!